Shahida’s journey has been extremely difficult since her family found out that she suffers from a Congenital Heart Defect at the age of 2 years. Shahida was born at home in Delhi. She had several attacks of pneumonia over the course of one year. During this time a local doctor ran some tests and informed the family about Shahida’s heart condition. Her Father Alam Ansari was a per piece based tailor at a Boutique and earn Rs. 4000 per month.
Shahida is 7 years old now and looking at Shahida’s health condition her family panicked and made several trips to various Government Hospitals in search of financial aid. Finally a doctor at a G.B Pant Hospital advised the family to visit Parivartan Sandesh Foundation to seek help. Looking at the seriousness of her health and the financial situation of her family, Parivartan Sandesh Foundation decided to support Shahida’s surgery. Shahida had an ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) Closure and was successfully operated at G. B Pant, Hospital, New Delhi
Kapil was born at a Government Hospital in New Delhi. His father, Anil Kumar works at a small footwear shop and earns around Rs.4000 per month.
From his birth most of time kapil fall sick and caught with cough problem and every time his father took him to a local dispensary where the doctor advised his father to visit cardiac doctor. His parents could not afford treatment from any private hospital so they visit to G. B Pant hospital, after further investigation Kapil was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defect and was advised a PDA Closure.
Kapil’s parents could not afford the cost of his treatment and they took him at Parivartan Sandesh Foundation’s office to appeal for his treatment and his surgery was successfully completed at G.B Pant Hospital with support of PSF.
Mr. Harish is an Auto Driver and earns Approx 8000 monthly. They are five members in his family including him, his wife, 2 sons and 1 daughter Gudiya. His 4 years old daughter was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defect and was advised a PDA Closure. Harish was not able to arrange her treatment cost as he was the only earning source of the family and has to fulfill his responsibilities towards other 4 family members who were completely depends upon Harish’s earning
Harish appeal to Parivartan Sandesh Foundation to support her daughter for treatment. PSF consider his request and Gudiya get successful treatment at G.B Pant Hospital, New Delhi.